District 6650 Administrator:
Position is Open, please contact DG Elayne Bozick
for position information.
Email: EMStrupkus6650@gmail.com
Email: EMStrupkus6650@gmail.com
Mailing Address: 4752 Oak Street, Lowellville, OH 44436
District 6650 Public Image Team:
Chair -
Wanda Angel (Sugarcreek Rotary) - send information that needs posted on website or if you need help finding information to post on your club's website.
Email: wandaangel7812@gmail.com
Cell: 330.407.1926
Newsletter Editor & Publisher -
Anita Brennan (Howland Rotary) - send information that needs posted on monthly newsletter
Email: abrennan117@gmail.com
Cell: 234.830.5784
Social Media Posts on District Platforms -
Aundrea Cika Heschmeyer
President at MARQUEE
Email: aundrea@marqueecreatives.com
Cell: 330.646.4082
Mailing Address:
District Gov. Elayne Bozick
4752 Oak Street
Lowellville, OH 44436